The Standards of Learning (SOL) is a standardized test designed to evaluate the educational progress of students from grades 3-12 in Virginia. For 6th graders gearing up for the SOL exam, mastering math can be a significant hurdle. If you’re encountering this challenge, it’s advisable to turn to a math worksheet that offers a broad range of exercises tailored for the 6th-grade SOL math test.
The 6th-grade SOL math worksheets available here are not only comprehensive and complete but also free and printable. These attributes make the 6th-grade SOL math worksheets an excellent choice for 6th graders looking to enhance their math skills and boost their chances of success in the SOL exam.
IMPORTANT: COPYRIGHT NOTICE: These practice sheets are exclusively for individual use. Uploading these sheets to any online platforms, including personal or classroom websites and shared network drives, is strictly prohibited. Feel free to download and print these sheets in any quantity needed. You are allowed to hand out the printed versions to your students, fellow educators, tutors, and acquaintances.
However, you are NOT permitted to distribute these practice sheets directly in any form (such as via email, text messages, or other methods). Recipients must personally download the sheets. Instead, you may share the link to this page with your students, tutors, friends, etc., so they can access and download the materials themselves.