Georgia Milestones Assessment System Grade 4 Summer Math Workbook: Essential Summer Learning Math Skills plus Two Complete GMAS Math Practice Tests
While you are on summer break why not prepare for the upcoming GMAS exam? Summer learning loss is a very real thing, and our Georgia Milestones Assessment System Grade 4 Summer Math Workbook can help prevent it. Give students everything they need to overcome learning loss, excel in the classroom, and score high on the GMAS this year.
This is the ultimate workbook for any 4th-grade student that is hoping to develop their mathematics skills better before the school year starts. With all the incredible lesson activities and even the two full-length practice tests that are included in this workbook, students will be thoroughly prepared for the GMAS exam this year.
The marvelous qualities of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System Grade 4 Summer Math Workbook:
- Content that is completely aligned with current GMAS standards and guidelines. Lessons, activities, and work problems are all designed by experts.
- Find over 2,000 work problems in this book that cover all the topics included in the lessons. Working through these problems is a great way to increase your problem-solving skills.
- Be sure to check all your answers with the provided answer key.
- Finish off this workbook by taking the 2 full-length practice tests. These tests are incredibly similar to what you will see on the GMAS math exam.
With the hands-on activities, problems, and practice this workbook provides, you will be sure to bet summer learning loss and conquer the Georgia Milestones Assessment System math exam. All 4th-grade students will benefit from this workbook. Get the Georgia Milestones Assessment System Grade 4 Summer Math Workbook today!
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