Unlocking Opportunities with the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE): Levels, Sections, and Preparation
Educational Records Bureau (ERB) is a non-profit educational services organization offering Independent Entrance Examination (ISEE) assessment for admission in all private schools from 2nd grade to grade 12. The ISEE practice test focuses on multiple educational subjects to evaluate your performance for each academic level.
The ISEE proposes four testing levels: primary, lower, middle, and upper. Each level test comprises four sections and an outscored essay part:
1)Â Â Verbal Reasoning
2)Â Â Quantitative Reasoning
3)Â Â Reading Comprehension
4)Â Â Mathematics Achievement
Students should take the exam corresponding to the grade they are entering, not the grade in which they are currently enrolled. Here are the ISEE practice test levels.
ISEE Primary Level
The primary level covers grades 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. ISEE offers a unique exam for each grade. The number of tests and questions varies from grade to grade. Each grade has its testing format and timing.
ISEEÂ Lower Level
ISEEÂ Lower Level assesses students in 5th and 6th grades. It is a single exam of 2 hours and 20 minutes. The lower-level entrance test is a multiple-choice test. Questions for each section vary from grade to grade. That contains 40 verbal reasoning questions in 20 minutes, quantitative reasoning with 37 questions in 35 minutes, and reading comprehension with 36 questions attempted in 35 minutes. Mathematics Achievement 47 has to be solved in 40 minutes. No scoring Essay has to be attempted in 30 minutes.
ISEEÂ Middle Level
Middle-level assessment grades 7th and 8th to get admission in private school. The test is a multiple-choice format, and the Verbal Reasoning contains 30 questions, Quantitative Reasoning 38 questions, Reading Comprehension 25 questions, and Mathematics Achievement 30 questions.
ISEEÂ Upper Level
Upper-level assessment spanning Grades 9 through 12. The test time limit is 2 hours 55 minutes. ISEEÂ upper-level assessment is the hardest and toughest test. It comprises 40 Verbal Reasoning, 37 Quantitative Reasoning, 47 Mathematical Achievement, and 36 Reading Comprehension multiple-choice questions.
For more information about this test, visit other pages on our website.